Friday, February 27, 2015

In the Dallas Morning News the article " Two Examples Of Where Texas Republicans Have It Wrong", the author (Carl) tallks about the result of Obama's plan to help undocumented workers. He points out that if it where to go into effect it could effect the state of Texas drasticly. For example thee undocumented persons would have to have health care, which would be funded from our tax dollars as well as a program to help them get a drivers lisence. The republicans in texas are for the undocumented workers program. Like Carl stated the state of texas already funds enough government funded programs and adding that is just going to be another expense. Truthfuly I think he is right,if we are trying to fund anything it should be education. As a state we are already in a tight budget we barely have enough money to fund our schools that are teaching the future. I think the program is a joke if they think we are going to keep digging a deeper hole then we can get out of.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Everyone has heard about the "Green leafy stuff" becoming legal in some of the states, question is how does college go about keeping it off campus and still trying to maintain a "drug free" campus? According to Time  the article titled How Are Colleges Dealing With Legal Pot it goes into great detail about how different organizations from colleges are coming together to teach and help people understand that its not as good as it seems. Just because marijuana is legal in the state, it is still illegal in the federal government. Some student believe that some of their class mates are going to school form out of state for the wrong reason, they believe that because its legal so its okay to have it on campus which is not true. Its still considered as a drug and there still are consequences if it is caught on campus. Its still a work in progress to see if the states will be able to handle something so drastic.